Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Oh. My. Gods.

So, I went to the gym for the first time today. I honestly think that every muscle in my body is going to explode. Wow. I did the elliptical thingy for ten minutes before I had to stop because my thighs were on FIRE.

It was okay, though, because I did all the leg machines with little to no problem. I especially enjoyed the Leg Press one... It was fun and easy!

The arm ones weren't too bad, either.

But... Then... Deb - my neighbor/workout partner - wanted me to try the ABS machine. HAHAHAHAHAHA. I did six. Six. I could not physically make myself do anymore than six. My belly was all like, "FUCK YOU!" It was embarrassing, but okay. I was laughing so hard at myself that Deb was laughing and some of the other people in the gym were laughing. Laughter burns calories - I counted it as the rest of my ABS workout.

Oh well, that's what I get for trying something I KNEW I was going to fail at. That's my goal. To be able to do three sets of ten on the ABS machine. Maybe I'll make it by my birthday. :)

SO! Another fun story... Since mom is having her surgery on April the 20th, she had a doctor's appointment last Thursday. In her appointment, she was told that her blood sugar was SKY-freaking-HIGH! It was seriously in danger range. Stokes - her PCP - put her on two new medicines and supplements to go with them. Also, he put her on a three week no sugar/no carb diet. Because I know she was really bummed about it, I told her I'd do it with her - I mean, what harm could it do?

Let me just tell you, it's AWFUL! Awful, awful, awful. I am CRAVING pasta smothered in dark chocolate. I know that it sounds disgusting, and mind you I probably wouldn't eat it, but I want it sooooo bad I almost can not stand it.

Oh well, at least it's working. I've already lost 8.7 pounds. :) Yay! This is just since we started on Monday the 30th. So, 8.7lbs in just about seven days isn't bad at all, is it? :) No, I don't think so, either.(I also cheated and had two pieced of dark chocolate one day at work because I wanted it so badly that I could almost taste it. So, I ate it.)

I adore Dark Chocolate.

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floating away

floating away
I find the time to blow bubbles.

perched and perching

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